A Few Design Tips for Hosting a Super Bowl Party

If you are looking for a few tips for hosting a Super Bowl party this February, we have a few ideas that can help you get the most out of it.

With the NFL playoffs about to start, if you are planning on hosting a Super Bowl party it’s never too early to start planning.

For the most part, you’ll want to keep it relatively simple. There are plenty of advantages to remodeling your home, but doing so for a single party is extreme. This kind of event can help to identify future needs, but there are several simple and easy things you can do. Here are a few tips to help you ensure a successful party.

Create a Food/Drink Station

In whatever room you intend to be the primary focus of the party, you should consider setting up a dedicated food and/or drink station. It should be somewhere easy to get to and out of the way, and removed from the kitchen to avoid congestion. It should also be somewhere away from the action – you don’t want people constantly walking in front of the TV throughout the day.

The size of the station is dependent on how elaborate you want your party to be, but it should be big enough to hold everything you want your guests to have access to, and a little more. If you don’t have a suitable station on hand, you might want to consider a quick trip to somewhere like IKEA, where you can pick up metallic bookcases for under $30. A table might be a little simpler, but if you have limited space, stacking things vertically might help.

You will also need to make sure the surfaces are appropriate – ice will need to be on something that can handle condensation, hot plates will need to be on surfaces that won’t scorch, etc. – and you’ll need to be near outlets if there’s anything that requires power.

Focus on the Entertainment Center

If you are considering any big purchases because of the Super Bowl, an entertainment center should be high on your list. The TV is obviously going to be the focal point of any Super Bowl party, and a sound system can enhance the experience as well.

Whatever TV you have, make sure that it is placed at an angle that will give the most visibility to the room. If you have a flatscreen, hanging it on the wall with a VESA wall mount will allow you to move it around as necessary. Hanging speakers around the room close to the ceiling will also help to create a good stereo sound while keeping them out of the way.

You may even want to set up a second TV depending on the guests. Then you don’t have to wrestle with the annual dilemma of whether to watch the Super Bowl halftime show or the Puppy Bowl, as you can watch both.

Prepare the Kitchen

In most parties where food and drink are served, even if there is a dedicated space for both, the kitchen tends to become a popular place to hang out. The Super Bowl is slightly different in that the draw is the game on TV, but for those that are more into the party than the football, the kitchen is a natural place to congregate. You can try discouraging that behavior, but good luck.

With that in mind, make sure your fridge and freezer have been cleaned out to make room for new food and drinks, and anything that doesn’t need to be in the kitchen should be moved out and stored elsewhere. Pick up plenty of ice to put in the freezer and keep paper towels on hand too. Make sure the dishwasher is empty and ready to be filled, but it might be easier to use plastic cups and paper plates. If so, be sure to have recycling, compost, and trash receptacles ready. There is almost no way to ensure the kitchen won’t get messy, so make sure you have as much space as possible to start with.

If you have any aspirations regarding remodeling your kitchen, this party should also be a good testing ground. Figure out what works and what doesn’t, then speak to a contractor about what your options are.

Setup a Kids’ Room

If you are planning on a family-friendly Super Bowl party, you may want to consider a separate room or area where the kids can hang out. Some may want to watch the game with the adults, but others might not be interested in it at all.

If you have a spare bedroom or office, turn it into a daycare of sorts. Set up a TV that’s just out of reach of the kids, but displayed prominently enough that they can watch a movie or TV show. If they are a little older, attach a game console and you should be set for a while. Just make sure to remove anything dangerous or fragile, add as many pillows as you can, and then sit back and enjoy the game with the adults.

Upgrade Your Furniture

While it is way too much to think about buying new furniture just for a Super Bowl party, if you are already considering making some changes the Big Game is as good an excuse as any.

Like many major holidays and annual events, the Super Bowl often brings with it several sales from retailers and furniture sellers are no exception. Keep your eyes posted for any big promotions on the way and make sure you buy furniture that fits your living spaces, not just furniture that is on sale. You might fall in love with an oversized couch that you can sink into, but if it is too big for your living room or the colors clash, you’ll regret it soon enough.

Depending on the people you are inviting, you may want to wait until after the party to bring in brand new, clean furniture. Even with the most careful people in attendance, the more people in a confined area, the more chances of stains on your new upholstery. So rather than buying new furniture for the party, you may want to consider the party as a farewell to the current models. You can always take advantage of sale prices and buy something before the game and have it delivered after.

Whatever you choose, just make sure you have enough seating for everyone – if you need more, you can always throw down a mattress or two and turn the entire room into a giant cushion. Ultimately, you may want to move any unused furniture into another room to create as much flow as possible, but there should be plenty of room for people to sit.

Think About the Future

As with the kitchen, having a party can make for a great laboratory to consider changes to your home. If you see people bottlenecking in one doorway, you may want to consider expanding that doorway in the future. If you feel that your room is too stuffy, you might want to consider a new window. Do the carpets get dirty easily? Maybe hardwood floors are the answer. Does the space feel confining? You might want to consider changing the color scheme to something brighter.

Make a list of all the things that draw your attention during the party. Even if you’ve had people over before, seeing your home in heavy use can help to identify issues you may never have considered.

When the party is done, contact a professional and tell them what you are thinking. Fleschner Construction can help you with a full remodel or just a redesign, and we will work with you to create something that fits. Contact us now to set up a consultation!

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