COVID-19 Response
Fleschner Construction Physical Distancing and Biosecurity Plan for field workers
Designated Covid-19 Workplace Coordinators – Aaron Robberson, Jacob Schorr
Release date 04/29/2020
All Fleschner employees and all personnel coming on to Fleschner Construction job sites must abide by the following Physical Distancing plan. We have been mandated by State Authorities to create a plan and enforce it. These rules WILL slow work down. You MUST follow these directives or risk a shutdown on a job site, and disciplinary actions. Fleschner Construction Policy for all employees and vendors or subcontractors coming onto site mandates that masks must be worn at all times while onsite or interacting in the public. This is REQUIRED to work on sites for Fleschner Construction. Personal Social Distance- At all times, work will be performed by a solo operator, or keeping Fleschner Construction’s optimal safe distance between employees of 12 feet when possible.
- Regular working distance is allowed to be at 6 or more feet with required jobsite and Covid 19 required PPE.
- IF employees or subcontractors must be within 6 feet of each other to accomplish a task, work must stop, a Covid planning meeting will occur to establish how the work will be accomplished together, then after discussion, employees must wear gloves, eye and respiratory protection. If the majority of the work is to be completed within close proximity Tyvek suits must be worn in addition to eye, respiratory and gloves. Clarification from your supervisor on what is required will be a daily planning discussion with your supervisor and approved by the “Covid-19 Workplace Coordinator”
- Supervisors are to include in their regular scheduled daily check in with Production Manager, a short discussion of this policy and how it is being enforced. This will also be recorded in the job log along with noted violations of Subs, Vendors or employees.
- DO NOT SHARE- PPE, Phones or personal items. Try not to share tools. If you must, take the standard biosecurity measures of wiping down the tool with disinfecting wipes or spray and handling with gloves.
- A detergent solution and/or disinfecting wipes are required to be on site for spraying and wiping down of surfaces in frequent contact with multiple people. This includes doorknobs, light switches, tool box tops, surfaces, faucets and fixtures and tools as well as any other surfaces in frequent contact.
- All workers should wash hands often, especially before eating, smoking, or drinking, and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. Workers should refrain from touching their face.
- All sites must have hand washing stations readily available to all workers on site. If you have a large site, get a hand washing station from your portable job site toilet provider.
- Providing hand sanitizer is acceptable in the interim between availability of hand washing facilities.
- All workers should wash hands before and after entering any site, as well as regularly and periodically throughout the day.
- Some job sites may have access to hot water for hand washing. If this is an option, please get permission from the facility owner to use their sink and disinfect frequently.
- If on a remote project, fill an Igloo-type water cooler with water (hot water, if available) and label “hand washing only.” This is a good option for vehicles as well. The CDC has posters and fact sheets available for posting.
- Deliveries should be made outside of the “Biosecurity zone”, where they can be wiped down prior to coming in contact with personnel. This space should be designated and all delivery drivers and dispatchers should be informed of how deliveries will be received or they will be turned away.
- If an employee or sub must leave the designated “Biosecurity Safe Zone” they must go through biosecurity measures before re-entering the designated safe zone.
- Fleschner Construction now utilizes an Expediter to do all runs pickups and interactions outside of the job sites. The Expeditor will be responsible for transporting materials from FC storage, retailer, or distributor to the jobsite Bio-Security Receiving Station or decontamination area. The Expediter will not come onto job sites, but will instead be the only employee allowed out to do materials and vendor runs. Their job is focused on the safe transport of materials from potential vectors and minimizes contamination risk by picking up and wiping down materials at the vendor, and delivering to the bio security check in station.
- All materials and orders must then pass through the Bio-Security Receiving Station before being allowed to continue to the area where work is being performed. At the Bio-Security Receiving Station all materials will be sanitized with either wipes or disinfectant spray and allowed to air dry before continuing on to the area where work is being performed. In the case where a material cannot be disinfected the material must sit in a specified and clearly labeled decontamination zone for a period of five days.
- Prior to work beginning, the onsite Lead will set the biosecurity with guidance and approval from the “Covid 19 Workplace Coordinator” This zone will require an additional level of biosecurity to enter.
- The biosecurity zone is a “gate” style space 12 feet from where work is being done, will have a table with sanitizing wipes, hand sanitizer/hand wash station, a trash can and a sanitizing spray solution where tools and materials can be wiped and sprayed down. (See photo)
- A boot wash can be a trough of some sort, this can be accomplished by a shallow tray or lid from a large plastic storage box with sanitizing solution in it, and/or a disinfecting solution in a spray bottle.
- Employees are required to spray the solution on their boots, or step through the trough before entering job sites.

- Enforcement will be left to job site leads and Workplace Coordinators. You will be asked to leave site or terminated at their discretion if any site safety or covid 19 safety protocols are violated.
- Any non-Fleschner personnel who are on site or working at or delivering to Fleschner Job Sites, MUST follow Fleschner Construction’s Social Distancing plan mandated per the Executive Order issued by Governor Kate Brown.
- Subcontractors who cannot meet these requirements will be asked to get in compliance and understand our protocols and come onsite ready to work under these guidelines, or will be asked to leave.
Additional Measures:
- Wash Hands Thoroughly for more than 20 seconds with soapy water.
- Do Not touch your face
- It is highly suggested by Fleschner Construction that you shave facial hair and put a personal hygiene plan in place at home.
- When arriving at home remove boots outside of residence, strip down your clothes and immediately put in washer machine in hot soapy water.
- Then, take a shower and wash your hair with foamy soap or shampoo before interacting with your family and home environment.
Per CDC Guidelines
Employees who appear to have symptoms (i.e., fever, cough, or shortness of breath) upon arrival at work or who become sick during the day should immediately be separated from other employees, customers, and visitors and sent home. How to clean and disinfect: Surfaces- Wear disposable gloves when cleaning and disinfecting surfaces. Gloves should be discarded after each cleaning. If reusable gloves are used, those gloves should be dedicated for cleaning and disinfection of surfaces for COVID-19 and should not be used for other purposes. Consult the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and disinfection products used. Clean handsimmediately after gloves are removed.
- If surfaces are dirty, they should be cleaned using a detergent or soap and water prior to disinfection.
- For disinfection, diluted household bleach solutions, alcohol solutions with at least 70% alcohol, and most common EPA-registered household disinfectants should be effective.
- Diluted household bleach solutions can be used if appropriate for the surface. Follow manufacturer’s instructions for application and proper ventilation. Check to ensure the product is not past its expiration date. Never mix household bleach with ammonia or any other cleanser. Unexpired household bleach will be effective against coronaviruses when properly diluted.
- Prepare a bleach solution by mixing:
- 5 tablespoons (1/3rdcup) bleach per gallon of water or
- 4 teaspoons bleach per quart of water
- Products with EPA-approved emerging viral pathogens claimspdf iconexternal iconare expected to be effective against COVID-19 based on data for harder to kill viruses. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for all cleaning and disinfection products (e.g., concentration, application method and contact time, etc.).
- Prepare a bleach solution by mixing:
- For soft (porous) surfaces such as carpeted floor, rugs, and drapes, remove visible contamination if present and clean with appropriate cleaners indicated for use on these surfaces. After cleaning:
- Launder items as appropriate in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. If possible, launder items using the warmest appropriate water setting for the items and dry items completely, or Use products with the EPA-approved emerging viral pathogens claims (examples at this linkpdf iconexternal icon) that are suitable for porous surfaces.
- Diluted household bleach solutions can be used if appropriate for the surface. Follow manufacturer’s instructions for application and proper ventilation. Check to ensure the product is not past its expiration date. Never mix household bleach with ammonia or any other cleanser. Unexpired household bleach will be effective against coronaviruses when properly diluted.
- Wear disposable gloves when handling dirty laundry from an ill person and then discard after each use. If using reusable gloves, those gloves should be dedicated for cleaning and disinfection of surfaces for COVID-19 and should not be used for other household purposes. Clean handsimmediately after gloves are removed.
- If no gloves are used when handling dirty laundry, be sure to wash hands afterwards.
- If possible, do not shake dirty laundry. This will minimize the possibility of dispersing virus through the air.
- Launder items as appropriate in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. If possible, launder items using the warmest appropriate water setting for the items and dry items completely. Dirty laundry from an ill person can be washed with other people’s items.
- Clean and disinfect clothes hampers according to guidance above for surfaces. If possible, consider placing a bag liner that is either disposable (can be thrown away) or can be laundered.